Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Homeowners Trying To Get Loan Mods: Where They Stand Now

Weise ProPublica) - Été ProPublica une Couvrant l'effort government forclusion soulagement de [1] Que l'DEPUIS administration Obama lance le programme d'Au Printemps de 2009. This semaine, ProPublica Est La verification de retour with quelques-uns des Propriétaires, BNO Avons Profil au cours de La Dernière Année. Propriétaires Certains Ont receipt des modifications Qui Ont empêché la forclusion, Dans certains Encore sont les limbes et d'Autres Ont évolués.

Frances Gomez, Toujours Pas de retour la DANS SA Maison Malgre UNE forclusion Mistaken

Dañs Une Histoire en Mai DERNIER AVEC USA Today, Avons BNO Écrit Sur la Façon n'avez La désorganisation la DANS les Banques causait forclusions prématurée ous erronée [2], l'ONU continuera Qui Problème d'être répandue [3]. L'histoire une Souligné Le Cas de Frances Gomez, Qui a perdu sa maison à Tempe, en Arizona, en, Alors qu'elle etait Encore In the Processus de modification. A l'époque, la Bank of America a la déclarer ProPublica qu'il avait fel UNE Erreur, qu'il incorrectement rejeté sa modification et qu'il serait detendre La forclusion de faire les choisit correctement. Aujourd'hui, Huit mois, plus Tard, Gomez HNE Toujours Pas de retour le fils d'un domicile.

Gomez avait Besoin D'Une modification de prêt, PARCE Qué fils salon de coiffure d'affaires par une brusque coup d'État de l'ONU Pris à la récession, Faisant d'Elle à la traine sur le fils mortgage. Après-inquiry ProPublica, la Bank of America une racheté la maison de Gomez Deux Semaines en plus Tard, MAIS Gomez Toujours confrontés Au Même Problème avec SES payments hypothécaires offrant. Elle devait also envi Deux Fois Autant sur le fils mortgage Comme La Maison valait.

Bank of America Offre Gomez UNE modification de prêt, MAIS IL a augmenté en fel SES Paiements Un peu Ajouté UNE Somme et Supplémentaire de 50.000 fr interests courus et les Frais à SA Solde du capital. Gomez dit qu'elle ne pouvait se permettre Pas CES Paiements Alors, et Elle ne may Pas soi le permettre Aujourd'hui. Elle Veut aller de l'avant, MAIS ELLE NE dit qu'elle may Pas Obtenir UNE prix de l'avocat representative de La Banque.

Verser L'Instant, La Maison HNE Assise Vides Gomez affirme qu'elle n'est Qué recemment APPRI Québec La Maison etait de retour en fils nom, et ne Veut Pas Elle Revenir en important qu'elle une modification de prêt UNE Qui une résolution Problème fils en lieu et place de premier. Comme une conséquence involontaire, Bank of America affirme Maintenant Qué Gomez NE SE Qualifié Pas versez les secouriste A travers le programme government PARCE qu'elle ne dispose actuellement vivre le Pas Dans La Maison, exigence du programme d'UNE. Elle etait sa résidence Principale avant qu'elle ne SOIT expulsée.

Bank of America affirme AVOIR Besoin de la documentation mise a jour de Gomez d'envisager de Réduire le Montant qu'elle obole. Une porte-parole a la déclarer à La Banque ne Savais Pas Gomez tentait d'atteindre le fils avocat ET SES contacts UA SUJET des documents et A "et Répondre Aux Questions qu'elle may AVOIR".

Nathan Reynolds, Toujours Refuser l'ONU Mod prêt

En Janvier, BNO Avons documenté L'Histoire de Nathan Reynolds [4], propriétaire d'Une Maison Dans La région de Chicago Qui S'est vu Refuser la modification de prêt UNE PARCE Chase dit SES Difficultés etait temporaire [5]. La raison dit qu'il n'était Chase Pas permanente: Reynolds S'est dit optimiste au Québec serait de l'Économie rebond.

Le Refus HNE Venu MALGRÉ le fel Les Lignes directrices Qué du programme indiquent clairement les Personnes ayant Qué des Difficultés TEMPORAIRES peuvent Encore soi qualificatif. Lorsque ProPublica posées sur le deni, la Chase a la déclarer Qué Reynolds n'était recevable Pas PARCE qu'il n'avait pas-de-Baisse de Revenu. Reynolds ne pouvait Pas le Croire, MAIS IL documents resoumis montrant SES Revenus Ontario Chute de 50 cent verser. Lorsque BNO Avons Publié L'Histoire, Chase dit qu'il examinerait ProPublica SA paperasse Nouvelle.

DEPUIS LOR, la Chase une nia Reynolds Deux Fois Plus, en disant qu'il SEULEMENT une fel 1 $ par mois et qu'il n'a Pas eu UNE mortgage rate à variable, Qui Tous Deux Reynolds contestée. IL a Essaye de contesteur l'analyse de nouveau un chenillard sur les M'a dit MAIS qu'il n'avait Pas Lieux de poursuivre plus un. Sa Seule possibilité, il dit une Été, etait d'appliquer à nouveau. Il avait Été, plus d'une ONU DEPUIS SA première demande, et Reynolds déclare qu'il avait une "faire sauter un des cerceaux Travers Comme un caniche de cirque Forme" en vain. «Je ne voulais Pas d'être de retour la DANS this boucle à nouveau», dit-il.

Chase Porte-Parole de Christine Holevas dit Reynolds n'est Pas recevable une UNE modification. "Il Existe Drogues illicites alternatives Autres Que de modification à la d'eviter la forclusion, et Nous esperons Travailler AVEC M. Reynolds et les Propriétaires Comme Lui fr Pressothérapie l'ONU-qui-peut Travailler versez Chaleurs needs Particuliers», Elle la DANS Écrit un e-mail.

Reynolds n'a effectué Pas non paiement DEPUIS qu'il Été Refusé une fr Novembre 2009, MAIS IL n'a also Pas Été saisis sur. Si Chase ne rame d'évincer, il Espère qu'il sérums fr Mesure de faire Un bon CAS d'ONU Médiateur nominale Nõmme le tribunal qu'il injustement refusée une Eté. Il Veut Que La Responsabilité, il dit qu'il n'a Pas Ailleurs Trouvé. «Quand je Vais à la forclusion, JE TIENS A vous asseoir et laissez-le être de traitées to a tribunal de Niveau PARCE Québec, un CE Stade, Chase HNE Tout simplement ridicule», dit-il.

Suzanna Wertheim, l'après Qué l'attention des Médias du patients cancéreux terminale phase de fr Got To Conserver Sa Maison

Verser Oakland owner Wertheim Suzanna il ya Deux ans, Un jour Tout changement Le Jour Où Elle un fils perdu Emploi et qu'elle avait une APPRI cancer en phase terminale de l'ONU. La Difficulté d'un fils du payeur mortgage, ELLE à l'ONU une chose du passé et demi Courir CE qu'elle Appelle une »kafkaïen" l'expérience [6] tentent d'Obtenir la Wells Fargo à son fils prêt modificateur. Après-Avons BNO profilé Wertheim [6] et Elle HNE apparue sur le Salon Rachel Maddow [7], Wells Fargo Lui offert une modification UNE [8] Qui abaisse un fils rate d'interest, Prolonge La Durée de fils de prêt et effacé, plus de 20,000 $ en frais, ramenant sa paiement Mensuel à Quelque chose qu'elle pouvait se permettre

Wertheim Appelle La Modification UNE «aubaine», l'excrétion des Souches mentale de soi Battre versez Rester La DANS SA maison. Peu Temps de l'après AVOIR La modification, Wertheim une APPRI fils avait un cancer métastase à La Colonne vertébrale, du col utérin et Le Cerveau. L'infirmière de soins palliatifs Ancien HNE Maintenant en Soins palliatifs Elle-même, soi la DANS reposer Sa Maison Pendentif SES Derniers Jours. "L'ironie ne m'échappe Pas,» dit-Elle.

Elle dit AVOIR UNE modification HNE fr Lui permettant de mourir In the confort de sa propre maison. Dans Un courriel récent, Écrit-elle, «CELA signifié very much (Le Monde) versez être de fr Mesure de Forrester Dans ma maison Maintenant." Deux de Ses Enfants restent AVEC ELLE, et mère SA HNE Venu versez secouriste à Prendre Soin de son fils au Québec Bien. Wertheim plans en quittant la maison un SSE Enfants.

Fermier Wallace, Sur la route et de plus de Heureux Pour Lui

IL a Été Un peu plus de de Trois mois DEPUIS Qué BNO Avons documentés [9] commentaires Wallace agriculteur Deplace hors de sa maison en rangée de Baltimore. Après-Plus d'une ONU de marchandage et des retarde with Chase, Farmer HNE devenue l'ONU des nombreux Propriétaires Qui avaient renoncé à la modification de Obtenir UNE prêt. IL a Trouvé le soulignent d'être insupportable, et il Quand une Pris ONU coup d'œil aux Chiffres, UNE modification de prêt-à-Été ne va Pas Changer le fel qu'il devait en plus de Deux Fois Que Sa Maison CE une Vaut Été La Peine. AINSI, IL a emballé et évolués.

Fermier une Essaye de repartir à neuf. IL a fel Faillite et une Déménage Dans Un Appartement d'Une chambre proche de son fils Travail à Washington, DC «Je N'Ai Jamais Pense Que je pourrais Jamais soi Sentir Heureux Cours au D'Une faillite, MAIS a partir de plus de HNE OK », dit-il Fermier. dit qu'il ne manquez Pas La Maison a tous, et il envisage la Réduction des Effectifs un Nouveau versez UN Studio. redingote, IL taux de chat fils PEU, Go-Go, un DU qu'il renoncer a droite avant le déménagement.

In the cadres d'essayer de construct UNE Nouvelle Vie, Agriculteur un changement fils NOM, MAIS IL NE SAIT qu'il may Pas mauvais dossier de cacher le fils de Crédit. «Votre number Sécurité sociale Votre HNE Numéro de Sécurité sociale», dit-il.

Et Ce mois-ci, Agriculteur diplômé de l'Université des Nations Unies with diplôme en administration des affaires. «Quand UNE Porte soi ferme, tu DOI Ouvrir un autre», dit-il. "Tu le DOI Garder en mouvement."

Mortgage Loans

Own a Home? You Might be Eligible for a Home Equity Loan
Loans.net allows you to compare and save on mortgage loans

Are you trying to purchase a new property? If so, you might be in the market for a mortgage loan. In simple words, a mortgage loan is a secured loan that is made available against real property as collateral. There are many types of mortgage loans and typically their characteristics vary based on size of loan, maturity, interest rate, repayment terms, and various other parameters. Mortgages can be obtained for different types of real properties, including residential and commercial properties.
At Loans.net you can compare and apply for mortgage loans

At Loans.net, we have made your job easier by assembling an array of mortgage loan lenders -- all aggregated at one place so you don't have to jump from one site to the other. Complete one simple application and we will connect you to the best mortgage loan lenders in the market (nationwide).

While mortgage loans come with various features, they are broadly categorized as fixed interest or variable interest mortgage loans (floating or adjustable mortgage loans). A combination of the two is also possible.

Typically, the variable interest mortgage loan will be fixed interest for a pre-specified duration, after which it will become variable again in response to some market index it is tied to. On the other hand, a fixed interest mortgage loan will be fixed at a certain interest rate for the duration of the loan's life, which in turn could range from ten to 30 years.
Mortgage loan tips

Many times, the interest rate charged on a mortgage is tied in to your credit score. The higher your credit score, the better your chances for obtaining a low interest rate loan.
Before applying for a mortgage loan, please read the loan's terms with extreme caution. There may be many aspects for which you may want to consult an attorney.
In addition to interest rate charged on the mortgage, be sure to evaluate other parameters as well, including monthly payment, duration of loan, your financial ability, repayment terms, early repayment penalty, etc.
If you need clarification on any terms, don't hesitate to contact Loans.net or the lender directly.

Sallie Mae Tip on Paying for College: If You Need to Borrow, the Coming Year May Offer Lower Rates

(Source: Business Wire) - Students who need extra funds for college can take advantage of changes in the law and improving the economy that result in student loans under one of the best interest rate the last five years, said Sallie Mae, the No. 1 nation financial services company specializing in education. "The good news for students is that the interest rates on several types of student loans are among the lowest in recent history," said Joe DePaulo, executive vice president, Sallie Mae. "Our ~ How the American National College Pays study confirms that students and parents the value of investment in college education and are willing to stretch financially to get there. Sallie Mae advises families to follow our step 1 -2 to 3 to pay for college, so you do not pay more for college you have to: first, to maximize the money ~ Free "Second, if you borrow, consider federal loans and third, closing the gap with private education loan officers. "

While the deadlines for many scholarships for the 2011-12 academic years have passed, Sallie Mae database of free scholarships can help students identify opportunities for last minute. In addition, it is not too late to complete the FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid to verify eligibility for federal grants.

For the 2011-12 school year, interest rates on new federal loans based on the needs of students Stafford will drop by more than 20 percent from 4.5 percent to 3.4 percent, fixed . Tariffs on non-need-based federal Stafford loans or graduate Stafford loans remain at 6.8 percent, and PLUS loans remain at 7.9 percent, the two types of fixed-rate loan for the duration of the loan . Most students receive subsidized loans come from families with annual incomes less than $ 50,000, but some with high incomes may qualify because of family size or other factors. Dependent undergraduates can borrow up to the federal Stafford subsidized loans to $ 3,500 for freshmen, $ 4,500 for sophomores and $ 5,500 for juniors and seniors.

For students who need private loans to bridge the financial gap, Sallie Mae Student Loan Smart also offers new options, lower variable rates and no fees for disbursement. For the next academic year, rates vary between 2.25 and 9.37 percent in April April percent for students seeking degrees, based on the LIBOR index today. Sallie Mae also offers students at the school of choice of payment and shorter repayment terms that help reduce the amount of interest paid over the term of the loan, as well as benefits of new insurance education. A typical rookie who borrows $ 10 000 and opts to pay the interest while in school can save more than $ 5,200 over the life of the loan compared to a typical installation, the deferred payment, private loan.

Sallie Mae advises families to follow the 1-2-3 approach to paying for college: first, press college savings and maximize scholarships and grants. Second, explore federal student loans. Third, close the gap with private education loans loaded with your choice of payment options at school to help you save money.

Sallie Mae (NYSE: GDT) is No. 1 in the nation's financial services company specializing in education. Serving 23 million customers, Sallie Mae offers innovative tools for savings, tuition payment plans and education loans that encourage accountability and habits of rewarding success. The company manages and services $ 238 billion in student loans and administers $ 37 billion in 529 college savings plans. Members of the Upromise college savings rewards program earned $ 600 million to help pay for college. Sallie Mae is also a leading provider of financial services for universities and governments at all levels, including support for 8 billion dollars in e-commerce transactions annually at nearly 1,000 campus. More information is available at www.SallieMae.com. Commonly referred to as Sallie Mae, SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States of America.

Source: Business Wire

A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Publication Date: 22/06/2011

Business Lending Improving, But Not For Everyone

June 26 (Source: By Kirsten Valle Pittman, the Charlotte Observer, NC) - Small businesses say they are seeking to develop run in trouble when they seek financing: Loans are harder to secure, and are sometimes more expensive than pre-recession. The loan is picking up in Charlotte and across the country. But it has not thawed enough to spur significant job growth and business owners and advocates say it's a drag on economic recovery.

Lenders say they want to, but deals with many companies reluctant to take on more debt. They recognize their standards are stricter in the wake of a devastating financial crisis and stricter regulations. And some say they are taking fewer risks.

A recent study found that 30 percent of small businesses that want credit would be eligible for traditional businesses and small loans guaranteed by the Administration, with lower interest rate of 8 percent. Nearly half have to turn to alternatives such as unsecured credit, which can cost up to 31 percent, according to the survey of MultiFunding, a Pennsylvania startup that helps companies find the right lender.

Charlotte Classic Graphics printing company is familiar with the hurdles. When the company needed a loan of $ 6.5 million for three new presses in 2005, owner David Pitts worked on the whole affair by email.

These days, "things I did in three weeks are 21 / 2 months to get done," he said. "While we are considerably stronger, banks and other lenders are so fickle ... if careful. "

Small businesses the power of the economy, with companies with fewer than 500 workers employ half the workforce in the private sector. Companies suffer greater job losses when the economy is in jobs, partly because of their dependence on larger businesses they serve. But when the economy gains jobs, small businesses tend to drive.

Firms with fewer than 500 employees have seen the gross employment increase on average since the recession ended 8percent, compared to 3 percent for large enterprises, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show.

Fueling that growth in employment is especially important these days, given the sentiment, among others, that the recovery is losing momentum. The Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke warned last week that some of the problems slowing U.S. economy, weakness in the financial sector to the housing market in trouble, could persist into next year.

And data from the new government on Friday showed the unemployment rate in Mecklenburg County is ticked up to 10.2 percent in May from 9.9 percent the previous month, as job growth and failures seekers employment of more joined the search.

"Loans and access to capital is really crucial," said Chuck Bamford, an entrepreneurship professor at Queens University of Charlotte, which predicts loans will gradually pick up in coming months. "Approach controlled means that we are not going to roar out of this recession. "

Ami Kassar MultiFunding CEO says banks should do more to help small businesses grow.

"If you're one of the lucky few who left the equity in your home, buildings, equipment, you can get some really wonderful, lending rates super-cheap," he said. "Unfortunately, if you're not one of the most in this situation, there are options, but it is quite expensive."

MultiFunding the first quarter of the study, which surveyed 250 small businesses, found 15 percent would not be eligible for funding.

It's keeping some companies to borrow money, Kassar said.

"I do not think it's due to lack of demand," he said. "It's baloney."

Waiting longer, the filter time

Classic Graphics has continued some loans this year, from $ 200 000 to over $ 1 million - and each transaction has been "like pulling teeth," says Pitts.

Securing funding means hours on the phone with lenders, more documents, more waiting, more than ever filtering.

And despite the growth of the company nearly 30 years of printing - it's on track to reach $ 50 million in sales this year, against 39 million last year - not every request is granted.

In one case, Pitts requested a loan of $ 1.2 million of equipment, but the lender to fund only $ 800,000, leaving classic graphic to pay cash for the difference.

"But it takes cash out of the business that small businesses may need to work," he said. "I can not imagine what it's like for companies not in the top of their financial game ".

The new companies and companies without much physical equipment as collateral challenges.

Five years management firm Big Sky Associates, which has almost doubled in size each year, needed to expand its line of credit to cover salaries and other operations in the gaps in corporate activity, such as contracts are finalized and billed customers, CEO Hanno Ekdahl said.

The Charlotte company, which has 10 employees and approximately $ 2 million of revenue came from its lender in late 2009, asking to increase its credit of $ 250 000 $ 75 000. Too risky, the bank said.

"It's frustrating when you feel you have a pretty good road map and then have someone say," I can not give you enough money to continue to grow your business, "said Ekdahl, that paid its employees small bonus and deferred expenditures on marketing, public relations and recruiting accordingly.

A year later, Big Sky reapplied for the credit line and managed, not without a series of face-to-face follow-up and a lot of questions about its financial position, Ekdahl said.

The SBA is pushing banks to make more loans to underserved communities and those who want small loans - and it's rise to power of his own efforts to help by introducing new programs such as a streamlined loan, officials he said.

SBA-guaranteed loans are more popular among the lenders in a down economy, because they help mitigate the risks. NC Agency District Director, Lynn Douthett said lenders are not necessarily partial to particular sectors, but noted that the SBA loans are more professional and technical services firms, as well as health care and business social assistance.

Studies suggest that others are left behind: A survey last year to Johnson C. Smith of the University, for example, showed Charlotte minority businesses are far behind their white counterparts in access to capital, rather than mobilizing personal savings, family and credit cards even.

Nationally, minority businesses have a difficult time access to capital, which made it more difficult to stay afloat during the recession, according to a report last year by the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency.

These companies were found to pay higher interest rates on loans, were more likely to be denied credit and were less likely to apply for loans for fear of the application will be rejected, the report said.

What the banks say

Local bankers say they want to make loans, as they are confident in the company.

Activity is up to the Bank NewDominion Charlotte, in part due to pent-up demand by companies that have delayed the hiring of workers or buy new equipment during the recession, the CEO John Hipp said. Recent loan applicants have included accountants, consultants and construction companies, he said.

"Our pipeline, which is loans that we study is as good as it was in probably three years," he said. "I'm not saying it's tough, but compared to 2010 and perhaps 2009, it is materially better."

The bank appealed to businesses and offering special rates on loans held by their owners, who are considered less risky. But it is still carefully evaluate potential borrowers - looking, for example, whether the company has enough cash to fall back on if they lose a major customer, Hipp said.

Charlotte-based Bank of America extended 18 billion of loans to small businesses in the United States in 2010, against $ 16.5 billion in 2009. In the first quarter of this year, it lent $ 3 billion to small businesses, generally less than $ 20 million in annual revenues, including $ 75 million in North Carolina, spokeswoman Nicole Nastacie said.

Bank of America has been a top provider of SBA loans, by volume, and the company announced plans last fall to hire more than 1,000 small business bankers across the U.S. by early 2012.

A challenge, however, is that demand remains lower than before the recession, particularly among companies with less than $ 1 million in annual revenues, Nastacie said. She said that the bank does not have a ready target this year but remains committed to serving small businesses.

A Wells Fargo & Co., new loan commitments to small businesses in the U.S. increased 27 percent in the first quarter of the same period last year, Charlotte Region President Kendall Alley said. The bank, which bought Wachovia in 2008 based in Charlotte, made 31,000 loans totaling $ 3.7 billion.

Wells Fargo has been named a top SBA lender recently. Activity is up on the market of Charlotte, too, if she was still out of a third or more of pre-recession levels in the first quarter, he said.

The bank does not have a loan commitment for 2011, but he expects to make more loans this year, officials said.

"My best analogy is that it was like a train" out of the station, Alley said. "I do not think we are at full speed, but we certainly see the momentum and energy."

Small banks in the region are ready stimulant also calling on potential customers, among other efforts to stir up new business.

Charles Stewart, president of the Charlotte market for Sterling Park, said his company has seen some improvement since the end of the first quarter. Things are picking up at First Trust Charlotte, too, although "we are not ready to crack open the champagne or anything" yet, CEO Jim Bolt said.

Bamford, Professor of Queens, said there is a greater appetite for creative, interesting business ideas, such as technology, energy and health-related businesses, and less money being channeled to types of businesses that responded to the extravagance of the boom years, as party planners and other entertainment companies.

Current standards tightened lending probably will mean a longer recovery, he said. But Bamford expects to relieve banks and corporate balance sheets improve. Highest standards could also to lead to more quality businesses for the long run he told.

"Quite honestly, what is good," he said. "... What it could lead to a much stronger, longer growing season. "

Kirsten Pittman: 704-358-5248

Source: By Kirsten Valle Pittman, the Charlotte Observer, NC

See more of the Charlotte Observer, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to http://www.charlotteobserver.com.

Copyright (c) 2011, The Charlotte Observer, N.C.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

For more information on content services offered by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services (MCT), visit www.mctinfoservices.com.

A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Publication Date: 26/06/2011

New Loan Program Aimed at Bringing Businesses to City

June 26 (Source: By Steve Snyder, Lebanon Daily News, PA) - A new loan program will give companies another option for funding for projects in the city of Lebanon Valley Pool Lebanon.The program loan "is part of our overall strategy to create funding programs that do not depend on state and federal governments, "Charles Blankenship, president of the Lebanon Valley Economic Development Corporation, said Thursday.

"This program is to pool their funds together to make bank loans, mainly for census tracts with low and middle income," Blankenship said, noting that the idea was generated after the top of the LVEDC on the city last year.

"This, we believe, will give us a competitive advantage over other cities we compete with," said Blankenship.

Blankenship credited Jeff Orner, officer Sovereign Bank and Chairman LVEDC with the formulation of the idea of ​​loan pool.

A pool of $ 1 million has been created with Jonestown Bank and Trust Co., First National Bank of Fredericksburg, Metro Bank and the LVEDC.

"Other banks are in different processes to join us," said Blankenship, anticipating that the fund will grow by about $ 2 million.

The next step is to form a committee ready pool of representatives of participating lenders. This committee will make decisions on loans.

The new program will function as a second lender. A prospective borrower will have to find another primary lender, even if the pool of Lebanon Valley loan may finance up to 40 percent of the case.

Loans are considered for the acquisition of commercial or industrial properties, renovation, demolition, construction and equipment purchases. Loan amounts range from $ 100 000 $ 1 million. Equipment loans can be extended for seven years, while mortgage loans have an amortization period of up to 20 years.

"We appreciate the willingness of banks to accelerate ... with a substantial allocation of funds, making their banking and be good citizens, "said Blankenship.

He anticipates the program will receive the candidates quickly.

"I spoke with people with good projects that could not find a government program to meet their needs," said Blankenship. "We do not have to worry about the government's requirements to guarantee."

The ultimate goal of this summit was to generate ideas to create $ 1 million in property tax and income tax earned income for the city.

"We are working on other creative ideas," said Blankenship.

stevesnyder@ldnews.com; 272-5611, ext. 152

Source: By Steve Snyder, Lebanon Daily News, Pa.

To see more Daily News from Lebanon, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to http://www.ldnews.com.

Copyright (c) 2011, Lebanon Daily News, Pa.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

For more information on content services offered by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services (MCT), visit www.mctinfoservices.com

A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Publication Date: 26/06/2011

Small Businesses Ready For Recovery, But Their Lenders Aren’t

CHARLOTTE, NC (Source: The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC) - Small businesses that grow to say that they run into challenges when they seek financing: loans are harder to secure, and sometimes more expensive than before the recession. Lending is pick up throughout the country. But it was not enough to spark meaningful job growth, thawed and entrepreneurs, and lawyers say that is an obstacle to economic recovery.

Lenders say they want to make offers, but that many companies are still reluctant to take on more debt. They recognize their standards are strict in the wake of a devastating financial crisis and stricter regulations. And some say that they take fewer risks.

A recent study found only 30 percent of small businesses that wanted credit would qualify for traditional or Small Business Administration-backed loans with interest rates below 8 percent. Almost half would have to discuss alternatives, such as unsecured loans that can cost as much as 31 percent of the survey in turn helps to multi-funding, a Pennsylvania startup, the company can find the right lender.

Classic Graphics Printing Charlotte knows the hurdles. If the company needs a $ 6.5 million loan for three new presses in 2005, owner David Pitts worked the whole deal via e-mail.

In those days, "things I used to in three weeks, the ingestion of 2 {months to do," he said. "While we are dramatically higher, the banks and other lenders ... so shy, so careful."

Small businesses power the economy, with companies less than 500 employees working half the country is employed in the private sector. Those companies that experience major job losses if the economy shed jobs, partly because of their dependence on the larger businesses they operate. But when the economy gains jobs tend to run small businesses.

Companies with fewer than 500 employees have seen gross employment increase on average by 8 percent since the recession ended, compared with 3 percent for larger companies, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show.

Refueling, that employment growth is particularly important in these days, given the feeling among many that the recovery losing steam. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned last month that some of the problems slowing the U.S. economy, a weak financial sector to fight real estate market could continue into next year.

"Credit and access to capital is really the critical element," said Chuck Bamford, an entrepreneurship professor at Queens University of Charlotte, lending will pick up gradually in the coming months counted. "The controlled approach means that we are not to yell out of this recession."

Ami Kassar funding multi-chief executive said banks should do more to expand small businesses.

"If you are one of the lucky few who hold shares in your house, building, equipment has left, you can get some really wonderful, super-low loan rates," he said. "Unfortunately, if you are the one most in this situation there are options, but it's pretty expensive."

multi-funding would be in the first quarter of study, which surveyed 250 small businesses, 15 percent are not eligible for funding consideration.

The hold of some companies to borrow money, said Kassar.

"I do not think it a lack of demand," he said. "That's nonsense."

Classic Graphics has a couple of loans tracked this year, from $ 200,000 to more than $ 1 million _ and each transaction was "how to draw teeth," said Pitts.

Securing financing means hours on the phone with lenders, and more documents, more waiting and more security checks than ever before.

And despite the nearly 30-year-old print shop _ growth is on track to hit $ 50 million in sales this year, compared with $ 39 million last year _ not granted any request.

In one case, Pitts applied for a $ 1.2 million equipment loan, but his lender would finance only $ 800,000, so that classic artwork to pay for money for the difference.

"But that takes money out of business, smaller companies that need to operate," he said. "I can not imagine what it is for companies not on the top of their financial stake."

Newer companies and companies without much physical equipment for safety as well as challenges.

Five-year-old management consulting Big Sky Associates, which has almost doubled in size needed every year to expand its line of credit to cover payroll and other operations while the gaps in the business, because contracts are completed and customers billed CEO Hanno Ekdahl said.

The Charlotte company to 10 employees and over $ 2,000,000 in revenue, was approaching the end of 2009 asked its lenders to increase its loan to $ 250,000 from $ 75,000. Too risky, the bank said.

"It's frustrating when you feel may well show enough and then someone say:" I can not have enough money to continue growing your business, "said Ekdahl, of his staff paid smaller bonuses and deferred spending on marketing , public relations and recruiting as a result.

A year later, Big Sky for the larger credit line applied again, and succeeded, though not without a series of face-to-face meetings and a lot of follow-up questions about their financial situation, Ekdahl said.

The SBA urges banks to issue more loans to underserved communities and those who want to make smaller loans _ and it is expanding its own efforts to help the introduction of new programs, such as a slim credit process said, there officers.

SBA-backed loans are becoming popular among the lenders in commercials as they help to reduce risk. The Agency NC District Director Lynn Douthett said, lenders are not necessarily going a preference for certain sectors, but that the SBA has noticed more loans to professional and technical services firms and health and social assistance firms.

Studies suggest others are left behind are: Minority-owned businesses have a harder time accessing capital to keep it harder to water during the recession, according to a report last year by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency.

Those businesses found to pay higher interest rates for loans were denied credit more and were less likely to apply would be rejected for loans for fear of the request, the report said.

Charlotte-area bankers say, they want to make loans as long as they are confident in the business.

Activity is at Charlotte NewDominion Bank, which is delayed partly due to pent-up demand for the company, the hiring of employees or the purchase of new equipment during the recession, said CEO John Hipp. Current loan applicants must include accountants, consultants and contractors, he said.

"Our pipeline, the loans that we are looking is as good as it is in probably three years," he said. "I'm not saying it is tough, but compared to 2010 and perhaps 2009, it is much better."

The Bank is calling on businesses and offer special prices for condos loans, which are considered less risky. But it is still evaluating potential borrowers carefully looking _ for example, whether the company has enough money to fall back on if they lose a big customer, Hipp said.

Charlotte-based Bank of America Corp. expands 18000000000 $ of loans to small businesses in the U.S. in 2010, compared to $ 16.5 billion in 2009. In the first quarter of this year, it has awarded nearly $ 3000000000 for small businesses, usually with less than $ 20 million in annual revenue, including $ 75 million in North Carolina, said spokeswoman Nicole Nastacie.

Bank of America has a top SBA loan provider, by volume, and the company announced last fall to hire more than 1,000 small business bankers in the U.S. in early 2012.

Is a challenge, however, that demand is weaker than before the recession, especially for companies with less than $ 1 million in annual revenue, said Nastacie. She said the bank has no lending target this year but that it remains committed to serving small businesses.

At Wells Fargo & Co., new lending to small businesses in the United States to 27 percent in the first quarter over the same period last year, said Charlotte Region President Kendall Alley. The bank, the Charlotte-based Wachovia bought in 2008, made 31 000 loans totaling $ 3700000000th

Wells Fargo was present as a top SBA lender recently. The activity is in the Charlotte market, even if it is still by a third or more of the level before the recession in the first quarter, he said.

The bank has lent to any lending commitment for the year 2011, but it's about more loans this year, officials said.

"My best analogy is that it's like a train had" left the station, said Alley. "I do not think we see in full swing, but we are certainly the momentum and energy."

Smaller banks to increase lending in the region to foment also appeal to potential customers, including the new business efforts.

Charles Stewart, Charlotte market president for Sterling Park, said his company has seen some improvements since the end of the first quarter. Things are picking up at First Trust Charlotte is also, although "we are not ready to crack the champagne or anything" not yet, said CEO Jim Bolt.

Bamford, Queens professor said, there is a greater desire for creative, interesting business ideas, such as technology, energy and health-related businesses and less money on the types of companies that funneled provided the extravagance of the boom years, such as a party planner and other entertainment companies.

The current tight lending standards will probably mean a longer recovery, he said. But Bamford expected to facilitate that, as banks and companies to improve the balance sheets. Higher standards could also lead to a higher quality companies in the long run, he said.

"Honestly, that's good," he said.

"What could it lead to a much stronger, longer growth period."

Source: The Charlotte Observer

(C) 2011, The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC).

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

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A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Date of publication: 07/01/2011